Reflections, Insights, and Realizations (PAGE)

8 thoughts on “Reflections, Insights, and Realizations (PAGE)

  1. Time management is undoubtedly important to keep things organized and well done. We may possess our own “time management techniques” that we utilized in the past, but surely we can always improve this stuff to facilitate our learning success. It is never good to feel in a hurry just because you mistakenly thought you can finish that task shortly- needless to say that the output of your work has been compromised. Personally, I used to allot time for adequate planning and setting before carrying out tasks at hand.

    However, I have to admit that sometimes, it’s not a perfect one as I envision of having it done. Many factors have to be considered- be it internal or external ones. In as much as I want to gain insight on my own time management strategy, I did answer this activity online. Here’s the result:

    57 points: (included in 46-75 range) You’re managing your time very effectively! Still, check the sections (suggestions) below to see if there’s anything you can tweak to make this even better.

    I may be managing my time well as indicated by the activity result, but still I know there’s a lot to improve. I also suggest you guys to answer this activity so that we can be in part aware of how we used to manage our time. May be we are thinking (like most online learners would do) that distance education is convenient which allows flexibility in time adjustments for studying. It may be true. However, we have to make certain that we won’t end up cursing this belief since online education is more on self-directed learning. We should not take for granted the challenges we may encounter along the way.

    In line with this, let me share some of the time management techniques that were presented at which online learners like us can use to facilitate the success of our studies.

    1. Find out what is expected of you from each Professor/each course. Know that the syllabus, a document provided at the start of a class that offers an overview of the course, is key. Read each syllabus thoroughly. It will actually serve as our guide in the entire duration of the course.

    2. Write down those due dates in your appointment book or electronic calendar. We can write important dates concerning our studies in a material we regularly check (be it in cellular phone, mini calendar, etc.) I personally use my laptop calendar and sticky notes for this purpose. Check these dates before agreeing to any work, social, or personal commitments that could conflict with your school demands.

    3. Create mini-deadlines. Create your own “mini” due dates that will help you to better monitor your own progress. It is wiser to set a “due date” in every progress of your project and not merely setting a deadline for the “final” output.

    4. Convince yourself you can do it all. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, and wondering how you’ll do it all, believe that you can do it all. Always be optimistic when dealing with pressures. I believe it will make us more productive id we can handle them positively.

    5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Since most of us I guess, are working professionals at the same time, we really need some help from others most especially from our families and friends. Pretty sure they understand the reasons why we are taking this course. It’s just a matter of adjustments on the things we used to do when we are not yet enrolled in this class.

    6. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize! Prioritize your schoolwork. It’s easier to prioritize if you become more comfortable saying “no” to everything that you don’t have to do that takes you away from your necessary commitments and your schoolwork.

    7. Learn to say “No” without guilt. Our lives don’t end being online students 24/7. In fact, we can anticipate more responsibilities as we simultaneously do our course works and our roles in our respective career, family, and social living. For instance, if you already set a particular date for accomplishing your study activities, and suddenly a friend invited you for a day-long bonding, learn to be firm with what you already planned. It’s not rejecting your friend, but rather working consistently on your goal of succeeding in your studies. Who knows, your friend might help you out. 😀

    8. You’re too busy to procrastinate! Putting off schoolwork till the last minute might describe a lot of students; don’t be one of them. By doing something at the last minute you may not put forth your best effort since you failed to allow yourself enough time to read the required chapters, or to write and rewrite the necessary reports. You may also be decreasing the likelihood that you will get the excellent grades that you know you could and should be achieving if you weren’t rushing.

    9. Self-pacing is key. Studying for too long a period of time can wear you down, but not studying long enough can leave you ill-prepared. Take efficiency breaks every twenty minutes or so. It will replenish you so you can read, write, or study more.

    10. Back up! Make sure you have backed up your work in multiple ways. If you use a computer, back up to an external disk, a CD-ROM, memory stick, or a second computer. We cannot predict all the “unwanted” things that might happen, so better have a preventive strategy of being safe!

    11. Getting your work done in a timely fashion has other rewards. Isn’t it fulfilling to see your calendar entries marked accordingly with “done” instead of a sad or an anxious icon? As we see that we are working properly towards our scheduled deadlines, we will be more calm and satisfied to do the remaining course works. Moreover, if we can consistently hit our target dates for studies, we can be certain that we won’t be compromising our commitments with other work or people.

    Time management is really essential to becoming successful in everything that we do including our studies. “Time is gold,” and for me even a diamond when it comes to task accomplishment. We have many roles to fulfil in our lives, but the thing is to know what our priorities are. With this in mind, we can work better and be in control of our aspired success.

    Hope this helps! Happy learning!


  2. On Self-regulation and Approaches to Improve One’s Academic Success

    Self-regulation refers to the self’s capacity to alter its behaviors (Baumeister & Vohs, 2007). These behaviors are changed in accordance to some standards, ideals or goals either stemming from internal or societal expectations (Baumeister & Vohs, 2007). With these definitions, I can say that to be a self-regulated learner means having the autonomy to control and facilitate the process of your own learning. It actually empowers an individual to go beyond the traditional class setting by being more “active” in the pursuit of academic excellence. Motivation I believe is the key. It also talks about discipline and genuine interest to maximize the entire learning process.

    Among the presented “beliefs that make one stupid,” I admit being guilty of doing “multitasking.” Recalling my college days, I used to study and review my lessons while doing other things- reading while eating, listening to music, watching TV, chatting or texting, etc. I hardly notice that it actually interferes with the quality of my performance in studying, as I wasn’t able to compare this stuff with studying alone with NO any distractions. Couple of years that I did same thing. I got high grades and scored well in my past examinations and I have no plans of changing or modifying the learning styles I’m used to, until I was enlightened by Dr. Chew’s discussion. I have to agree that studying entails deep concentration, and so I will give myself a quality time solely for this purpose. That is the first way to improve my learning process.

    Secondly, I’ll make sure not to rush any project or assignment of mine “just to finish it for the record.” I will be doing more observation and even asking for other’s opinions for it to become better. I know I will have to do my coursework once, and so that means I have to give my best at all times.

    Lastly, I would be more open to constructive criticisms as these would enhance my understanding and way of presenting ideas. In as much as I want to hear other’s viewpoints, I am also more than willing to share mine. Truly, we have different perspectives in understanding certain subject matter but respect and courteous way of pointing things out will be keys for a harmonious exchange of ideas. By all of these, I am certain that everyone will achieve the ladder of success in this field.

  3. What I promised Myself after Understanding the Value of Metacognition

    After watching the videos made by Dr. Stephen Chew and reading couple of feedback from my classmates, I was really enlightened on how metacognition actually works in the context of the learning process. First, I really thought that time and attention alone can facilitate a good learning. It may be true, but then I came to understand that these cannot lead me to the “best” learning everyone is entitled of receiving. He emphasized that to learn is to “focus and concentrate” on what you are studying. It only means that we need to take distractions away for we cannot function best if we are multitasking. By this, I actually revised my plans for studying my courses here in UPOU PTC program. Previously, I planned and marked my calendar to review the forum discussions and make assignments during my vacant period at work. However, after understanding the value of metacognition, I know that I will face many external factors during that time, and therefore, my learning will not be maximized. So, what I did was to reschedule my time for studying and have it placed on a date where I will “solely” focus on studying. And I will make sure to spare a quality time for my studies.

    To add some more, I promised myself to improve my study habits as I realized that some of those I used to practice during my undergraduate years are not conducive for optimum learning. Before, I used to study my lessons while listening to music, for I believe that I will be “more separated” from other distractions (environmental noise). I also think that it will keep me “alive” especially when reviewing at night. I can say that it was effective for me for I was able to attain good grades and scored high in my past examinations. But I will also try to review my lessons without any distraction including this music and I will compare the results when it comes to retention of knowledge. I just hope I won’t be subjective by this stuff as I’m consciously planning this (:D). Nevertheless, I believe that learning will really be at its best if a total focus will be placed on it. Right this time, I already have my hypothesis in mind that I will do better with this new learned strategy of studying.

    There were times before when I can’t easily understand the topic at hand. And honestly, sometimes I “pretend” as if everything is clear to me. Then later I need to look back on that topic to understand it the “second time” around. Unfortunately, more often than not, I find it hard to capture fully by myself. So by this time, I will no longer possess that “ego-saving” practice. If something is not clear to me, then I will speak up for an elaboration until I actually understand the subject matter. I believe it’s not a mortal sin to become honest. Lol. And I’m looking forward that my FIC and all my classmates will be open for this. I guess the reason why we have these journal and open forum discussions is to give space for our queries or those ideas that we want to understand better. I know that by this, we can help each other out to broaden our understanding of things.

    Lastly, for me to learn better, I will eliminate my habit of procrastinating. Instead of thinking “I still have time for this stuff,” I would remind myself that there’s no perfect time to do my course works than “now.” It’s really nerve-rocking to accomplish projects during the last minute- the quality is compromised, and I will look “stressed” at the same time (:D). I do hope that by embracing these new lessons by heart, everyone of us will achieve the success that we’re longing for. God bless everyone! Happy learning! 😀

  4. The Magic of E-journal

    As a distance education learner, it is impossible for me to understand and fully comprehend everything in my mind in one sitting. In line with this, I can utilize the e-journal to save some of those concepts which I need to focus on at a later time. That way, not only that I can manage or organize my thoughts, but also spare time for other course subjects without leaving these concepts totally hanging.

    For instance, I can refresh my mind with the concepts that were just discussed days ago by having a look on the entries I’ve made in my e-journal. Likewise, I can always put hanging questions and ideas on it as I go on seeking the most accurate perspective. With this, I’m pretty sure I won’t be lost in the track. I also like the feature of having “personal selections and commentaries” page, whereby I can gather and post viewpoints and thoughts from my classmates and mentor in an effort of elaborating on the subject or topic being discussed. I know that this will lead to a more diverse yet deeper aspect of understanding.

    Moreover, I believe that this e-journal will be of great help during the review period prior to having examinations or quizzes. It will help facilitate the process in a more organized way. Learning means focusing time, and so this e-journal is one big help. 😀

    • It is true that this note is for us to look back and reflect. Perhaps it is easier for those who are good at writing their thoughts. For some of us, writing is a challenge itself more than our thoughts of the subject. But yes it is good to see where our views are at a certain point in time and makes one dwell better on the thoughts of the subject at hand. I know of people who keeps “voice journals” instead.

      • Yes there classmate! 😀

        It’s a matter of help in organizing our course works. Especially to us who are mostly engaged in our own career, it’s easy for us to get lost from the previous topics discussed as we think of other things. Again, this e-journal and the likes will direct us back to the said topics or lessons, provided that we update it properly. Such a great help for busy individuals. More power! 😀

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