Personal Selections and Commentaries (PAGE)

7 thoughts on “Personal Selections and Commentaries (PAGE)

  1. METACOGNITION as stated by Dr. Stephen Chew pertains to a student’s awareness of his level of true understanding of a particular topic or concept. Moreover, it is defined as higher order thinking that enables understanding, analysis, and control of one’s cognitive processes especially when engaged in learning (

    In relation to this, my attention was caught by the post of Classmate Pamela Rose “Pam” Flores as she raised the question of “How to have a more accurate sense of metacognition?” Of the many responses I’ve noted, I just want to share the following:

    According to Robenille “Rain” Malit, one needs to look first at his or her self objectively. Assess his or her own strengths and weaknesses without his or her own “emotions” (pride, self-preservation, fears, etc.) clouding his judgment. She also added that constant self-reflection and evaluation would help one to know how far off or close he is to knowing your own actual knowledge and learning capacity. I agree with what she mentioned since self-assessment should always be part of a learning process. Personally, during high school and even college days, I knew from the start on which subject I have to dwell more time for studies. I can somehow predict the grades that I will receive because of that. However, the thing is that I used it positively to study more and gain a deeper aspect of understanding the lessons. With that, I can pretty say that I improved my sense of metacognition.

    Mae Ann Gavina stated that the first step is always acceptance. Confidence will take a person to places, but overconfidence will be also be his doom. She even added on self-evaluation. If your grades are doing great, then you must be doing something great. If not, try other strategies. With this statement, I just have to relate that there are “some” teachers or professors who are very “subjective” in giving grades. I personally experienced to receive a low grade (though it was the highest in our class) in a course subject during college which I fairly believe I didn’t deserve. I wasn’t able to clarify why I got such a mark since my professor wasn’t open for a discussion. From then on, I told myself that grades are not reflections of how much you “actually” learned, though part of it can represent your standing in the class as far as objective criteria are concerned. Nevertheless, these numerical values must serve as our guide in monitoring the progress of our learning.

    For me, I think everything must start on “assessment of our selves” in relation to our present situation. We shouldn’t think in a way that is overly influenced by what we achieved in the past. I mean, not because we were achievers during the college days would mean that we’re still the “same” at any given time. It may lead to overconfidence if we think that way. Lastly, we have to accept whatever results we may achieve at the end of a certain graded course and make it a useful guide for improvement of our knowledge and skills. 😀

    Extracted from:

  2. Hi colleague! I know you are very familiar with the term self-awareness. This has been repeatedly discussed in Psychiatric Nursing. And to metacognition and self-regulation, the thin line that links both concepts is now what you call “assessment of ourselves”.

    • That’s right Ryan! I actually handle this course subject in Nursing. It’s really needed for us to function better in the environment while remaining realistic and objective with regards to our own skills. We do have flaws and weaknesses in certain areas, but definitely it should serve as one of our motivations for improvement and not merely a sense of “disappointment.”Thanks Ryan! God bless 😀

      • Wow that’s pretty cool Ryan! 😀 I’ll be also taking a graduate degree in psychology this coming semester. Good luck in our undertakings! 😀

    • It’s nice to read the insights of my fellow nurses. Besides self-awareness being discussed, it can also be an experience for students. When I was still in college, we had a “self-awareness” event; similar to a recollection wherein we got to assess ourselves and got to know what others think of us as well.

      • Hi there Maggi!

        I think self-awareness is an indispensable tool of every nurse particularly in the psychiatric setting. it teaches us that we need to understand and know ourselves first before we can actually enter and understand our patients’ lives. Similarly, we have to be aware of our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to studying. This way, we can develop more strategies and better adaptation as we go along with our learning goals.

        Keep going classmate! 😀

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